Picking lists
Everything is done quickly and easily in a user-friendly app that will lead your team through the entire packing process.
With Blipclick you can be ensured that you send complete orders while being able to prove that the cargo was packed correctly.
Everything is done quickly and easily in a user-friendly app that will lead your team through the entire packing process.
Scan your goods - When everything is picked the load is verified by scanning the packages and automatically compare them to the pick list.
Document your packing and sealing - While the order is loaded the packing and sealing are photo documented.
If your customers would suffer damaged or missing goods upon arrival, you can send a packing protocol and prove that you sent a complete order and that your packing was reliable.
No claim costs since you can easily prove that you did everything correctly
The app leads employees' work
Verified goods due to the scanning process
Photo documented packing and sealing
Touch-friendly picking list
Packing protocol which proves accurate goods and packing
"Blipclick has lifted us to the next level. Previously, there were constant interferences regarding picking errors and discussions about who damaged the goods. Now we have basically zero defects and no claim costs."
Johan Engström, head of purchasing at Spaljisten
TCS is a dead easy way to simplify and structure the internal logistics. The company behind Blipclick has also developed the application TCS. TCS was created for the logistics industry but can just as well be used in other businesses where you want to streamline and facilitate internal communication.
Contact us and we will be happy to do a demonstration of the system for you.